SIDDHARTA bieten am Dienstag, 16. Oktober einen kostenlosen Livestream vom Berliner Konzert in 3D an.

Und veröffentlichen das neue Album “Vi” (englische Version) digital. Dazu gibt es “In Own Words” über das Album “Vi” für die deutschen SIDDHARTA Fans.

SIDDHARTA bieten am Dienstag, 16. Oktober einen kostenlosen Livestream vom Berliner Konzert in 3D an.

(NL/2460319901) Bei SIDDHARTA geht es Schlag auf Schlag. Nachdem jetzt die SIDDHARTA cd SONGS kostenlos auf digital verschenkt wird, legt die Band direkt am 10.10. ihr neues Album Vi schon digital nach. Tour Trailer

(Berlin) – Am 16. Oktober könnt ihr euch von überall auf der Welt mit der Facebook App “Skyroomlive” oder direkt über die Webseite das Konzert von SIDDHARTA aus dem SO36 in Berlin live anschauen. Geplante Uhrzeit ist ab 23:00 Uhr.
Das gesamte Konzert kann online kostenlos in 2D oder auch als 3D Version angeschaut werden. Ihr braucht einen 3D-fähigen Fernseher oder 3D Brillen, wenn ihr es über den Computer sehen wollt. Natürlich kann das Konzert auch auf dem Smartphone, Tablet, Laptop oder dem Bildschirm in 2D gesehen werden.

Dieses einzigartige Erlebnis ist das erste seiner Art in Deutschland von SIDDHARTA und sie planen euch eine unvergessliche Vorstellung zu bieten. Das neue Album VI wird in englischer Version, auch produziert von Ross Robinson (Slipknot, Deftones, Machine Head,..), direkt zur Tournee digital auf iTunes, amazon und bandcamp veröffentlicht.

SIDDHARTA (Slo) mit neuem ALbum “Vi”
Live-Termine 2012
11.10. Hamburg, Logo
12.10. Dortmund, FZW / Freizeitzentrum West
13.10. Frankfurt am Main, Das Bett
14.10. Köln, Underground
16.10. Berlin, SO36
17.10. Cottbus, Bebel
19.10. Dresden, Puschkin Club
20.10. München, Garage Deluxe
Tickets via

SIDDHARTA Album “Vi” – IN OWN WORDS / SIDDHARTA Vi in eigenen Worten:

“The main idea for this album was to write some amazing rock n roll songs,
go to LA to an extraordinary guy and producer, Ross Robinson, who also produced our previous album Saga and other major-success albums by other artists. We went there to pre-produce our material and prepare ourselves for the biggest studio recording weve ever done.
The studio was the central stadium of Ljubljana, the Capital of Slovenia, and we were to record the album live at the concert in front of a live audience. This probably makes it the biggest studio used for recording original music.”

“Before we went to LA, we recorded a few demo songs in our rehearsal place that we actually put on the radio so the people would get to know the new songs and be ready for the concert recording.
Well, even though we came to LA with almost enough material almost to fill the album, Ross had something different on his mind. He wanted us to do some songs from scratch, just so we could get to the core of what this band is really all about. This was based on the previous recording experience.”

The first song on the album,
* Stand Up For Me Now, is one of those. Normally when starting from scratch, our lyrics are a mixture of English, Slovene and lots of gibberish. But this mixture always describes the message and the vibe of the song. The riff of this song led us to write about the degrading options of music we are being served by money-hungry owners of radio stations who dont give a fuck about that little audio-art in between those loud commercials.
* Malishka is a song that has a Russian tone to it. And since here in Slovenia (you wouldnt believe) we all get to know everything that is going on in the open-information western world, the taboos have obviously gone in the other direction. Shes smart, shes dark and she knows how to party. But only a few have seen that. And I long to be one of those few. This song was written back home and it had that Tanita Tikaram – Twist In My Sobriety kinda vibe, but then Ross spiced it up with harder beat and more guitars, just to spike those radio owners (mentioned in the previous song).
* The Madding Existence has a really powerful message in Slovene language where the song is called Noraterra – meaning Crazy Earth. Some words just cannot be sang the same in different languages. Its a pre-LA song that craves for destruction for the sake of re-innovation.
* Im Done we did in LA after some beers the night before, which led us to laziness the next day. The tuning of our guitars took us several hours, just because we felt that we need another day off. But tuning usually leads to some harmony and harmony lifts up at least one of the guys in the band, and you dont want to be the last one without an idea, so you make a song for the people. People on the stadium. To lift them up! Its called Arena in Slovene, but I still think it has that couch smell after all.
* The Whitest Swan is LA produced song that we did on a sunny afternoon, out of nowhere and I knew immediately that it was a love song. It has this smooth vocal start followed by the storm and that flowy chorus. Just like a love life of an elegant animal. And this elegant animal was supposed to be a part of a song. But there was so many to choose from. One of them was the unicorn. But just after the lyrics were finished and I drove back home from the studio at 7 AM, the swan flashed through my mind. Perfect! Lets go back to the studio and record it. Spot on! Thats the animal! And we have lots of those here in Slovenia, and we love them.
* Bonsai was probably the hardest song for me to consume. I totally like the unusual, but this was… We were just gluing parts together and Ross was absolutely stoked. And so was the rest of the band. But me… I hit the couch and beer again, feeling like this was going nowhere. But then the band talked me into it, and we did like two or three days of rehearsing the transitions. Still nothing. Then Jani, the bass player came up with some vocal lines for the chorus (or wherever that was) and I gave in. Lets make something beyond my borders, the ones I didnt know I had. And the song turned out amazing. I kept the noneternational lyrics for the sake of the energy that was put in and returned from this song. The song is called Bonsai, because that is how I felt at that time. Absolutely small, yet so nice and needing someone to take care of me. I thank the band and Ross for teaching me this lesson. Now its one of my favorite songs.
* Alone. I dont want to talk about it. I just know there was a better version made by Jani in LA. In the end it came out as a great rock ballad, which was not exactly what I had in mind when I wrote it. I still love this song, the lyrics and playing it live.
* A Child Again… for me this is … this is such a warm and beautiful song. I like it, but I dont like to hear it. I do like to sing it. Craving for smell, touch, sight and sound that I used to get, instead of these keyboards and digital ignorance, typing nonsense and undoing it all with a cigarette in my mouth. It takes time to be digitally perfect. But it takes heart and soul to actually go out and feel everything perfect that we read and write about. I used to have that and I think its coming back.
* The General If Rock n roll was our General…, this song would be an anthem. Its about freedom in all kinds of ways. No words need to be spoken – welcome on board.
* Hollywood is a super LA song. I drove around with taxies, checking out the City of angels. I felt safe and normal. Unlike the people around me. So later that day I went to have a nap under a Ferrari in a totally rich neighborhood just to listen to some wealthy young self-called ladies talking about their boring lives since they married money. Then I rolled under a Mercedes to do the same and finally I went to the Fantasy Island to check the very opposite. I think I heard the same people talking.
* Indian Boy is a song about my son. It was inspired by his Indian-like voice that he was making before he learned how to speak. We put that as the intro which is hard to upgrade with any song following. I know he deserves much better, but lets take one step at a time.

In ihrer Heimat Slowenien sind SIDDHARTA so etwas wie musikalische Berühmtheiten und können auf ein Szene-übergreifendes Publikum bauen. Jedes ihrer Alben beweist eindrucksvoll die musikalische Bandbreite der Slowenier und glänzt durch abwechslungsreiche Kompositionen, die unterschiedlicher kaum sein könnten. Auch hierzulande konnten die Herrschaften mit ihrer packenden Mischung aus harten Gitarren, hymnischen Refrains und düster-melancholischer Grundstimmung und durch ihren ganz eigenen Charakter überzeugen. Mit ihrem neuen Album “VI” (in englischer Version) im Gepäck wollen die sympathischen Jungs nun auch endlich den Rest der Welt aufmischen. Bis es soweit ist präsentieren sie auf der CD “SONGS” rückblickend einen Teil ihrer Werke. “SONGS” ist kostenlos auf als Download erhältlich. Das neue Album “VI” in englischer Version, produziert von Ross Robinson (Slipknot, Deftones, Machine Head,..) wird offiziell zur Tournee veröffentlicht.

FOCUSION Promotion & Marketing
Iris Bernotat
P.O. Box 31

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